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Teach By Example


Accredited hrdauth (ΑΝΑΔ) Training Centre of Vocational Professional Development

The accredited hrdauth (ΑΝΑΔ) Training Centre of Vocational Professional Development Dr. Xenia Danos is now established, based in Nicosia, Cyprus! Merging together the expertise of Dr. Xenia Danos in teaching and learning and the intelligence drawn from CEDEFOP and other agencies of the European Commissions, our mission is to enhance and elevate Cyprus's human resources to meet the needs of the economy within the framework of the state's social and economic policy through quality workshops and seminars.



Tailor-made professional services that will change your life! It’s all about results and adding real value

People Development Training Workshops


Keynote Speaking

Σεμινάρια και προγράμματα εγκεκριμένα από την Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (ΑΝΑΔ)

Σχεδιασμός προγραμμάτων και σεμιναρίων ΑΝΑΔ Ευρωπαϊκών Προδιαγραφών

Ευκαιρίες χρηματοδότησης από την Αρχή Ανάπτυξης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (ΑΝΑΔ)

"Xenia's research on graphicacy is internationally important, she has broken new ground in analysing virtually all existing publications on the subject and in developing a completely new typology of graphic communication with special emphasis on its significance in general education"

Professor Ken BaynesRoyal College of Art

"Xenia gave me practical solutions which helped me achieve effective and fast results during the training of my new staff. She also gave me self-reflection and development tools to assess the effectiveness of my training methods and tools"

Marios PingourasBusiness Development Manager Christoforos Soteriou Ltd

"Xenia’s positive vibe, energy and patience combined with her knowledge, simple and applicable tools had such an impact on my teaching"

Erasmia VassiliadouLecturer at a VET College Co-Owner of a Beauty Salon

"Dr. Danos is a highly conscientious scientist with acute intelligence, mild manners and a warm willingness to undertake productive collaboration across diverse disciplinary lines. She has an impressively solid academic background, making her research writing original and rigorous. She has a strong sensitivity and persistence for high quality in research and teaching, she is very creative and she has a very open and warm personality, which makes her pleasant to work with as a colleague"

Professor Constantinos P. ConstantinouProfessor of Science & Education University of Cyprus

"Xenia is a confident and effective speaker, always well-prepared. Her work presentations have been excellent and very well-received."

Emeritus Professor Eddie NormanDesign Education Loughborough Design School



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