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Presentations and workshops


American Academy Nicosia, (Cyprus), 2019

. Becoming a facilitator of learning
. Educational Leadership

KES College, (Cyprus), 2016-2018

. Constructing a lesson plan to assist your teaching
. Introduction into teaching
. Practical implementation of learning tools
. Setting clear learning objectives
. Stages of learning
. Using teaching and visual aids
. The theory of the mind in learning
. Becoming a facilitator of learning
. Modern teaching and learning pedagogies
. Teaching adults in vocational education
. Providing assessment and constructive feedback
. Developmental progression of learning in humans Taxonomy of learning by Bloom
. Facilitating learning through the Instructional design model by Gagné

Centre For Creative Training

(Sofia, Bulgaria), ‘Simple mechanisms in Design and Technology; Modern teaching methodologies’, Biennial Sustain Workshop, October 2015.

Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

‘Differentiation of teaching methods and tasks through authentic design tasks’, («Διαφοροποίηση της διδασκαλίας σε τάξεις μικτής ικανότητας μέσα από αυθεντικά πλαίσια μάθησης στο Σχεδιασμό και Τεχνολογία »), March/April 2015.

Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

Pedagogical approaches in Design and Technology’ («Διδακτικές προσεγγίσεις της διδασκαλίας του Σχεδιασμού και Τεχνολογίας στην εκπαίδευση»), February/March 2015.

Harley Gallery

‘Mini Kite making workshop’, Creativity and Innovation Workshop (Pilot Study), ASSIST ME (Assess Inquiry in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education), August 2014.

University of Cyprus

‘Simple mechanisms in design and technology with and without the Engino kits’, SCIENTIX Workshop, April 2014.

The English School of Nicosia

‘Studying Design and Technology’, Upper school Design and Technology Careers Seminar, February 2014.

University of Limerick

Extended abstract presentation, ‘Curriculum Planning for the Development of Graphicacy’, EDGD (Engineering Design Graphics Division) Conference, November 2012.

University of Cyprus

«Ανάπτυξη της δημιουργικότητας και της επινοητικότητας με τη χρήση των παιχνιδιών ηλιακής ενέργειας Engino» (Development of creativity and innovation through Engino solar energy products), Νεαροί Τεχνολόγοι (Young Inventors), October 2012.

Sheffield Hallam University

PGCE Design and Technology teacher trainee workshop, ‘Action research: graphicacy’, January 2011.

International Design And Technology Educational Research (IDATER online) Conference

Paper presentation: ‘Research strategy for exploring continuity and progression in graphicacy’, Graphicacy and Modelling Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, December 2010.

Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture

Presentation: ‘Identifying continuity and progression in the development of graphicacy’, A technological dimension of general education as a necessary element, October 2010.

Exhibition presentation

‘Quick on the Draw’ Digital Exhibition, International Visual Literacy Association Conference, Visual Literacy in the 21st Century: Trends, Demands and Capacities, July 2010.

International Visual Literacy Association Conference

Paper presentation: ‘Graphicacy and students’ learning’, International Visual Literacy Association Conference, Visual Literacy in the 21st Century: Trends, Demands and Capacities, July 2010.

Design & Technology Association Conference

workshop, ‘Limitations & Potentials of Co- research’, D&T – Ideas worth sharing: Education and International Research Conference, July 2010.

Sheffield Hallam University

PGCE Design and Technology teacher trainee workshop, ‘Action research: graphicacy’, January 2010.

Loughborough University

PGCE Design and Technology teacher trainee workshop, workshop session input: ‘Modelling & Graphicacy’, Loughborough University, October 2009.

Loughborough University

PGCE Design and Technology teacher trainee and mentors workshop, Seminar input: ‘Graphicacy’, Loughborough University, October 2009.
Curriculum Vitae Annexes Xenia Danos (PhD) 4 | P a g e

Leeds University

Presentation: ‘The development of graphicacy in humans’, 1st International Visual Methods Conference, September 2009.

Design & Technology Association Conference

Paper presentation: 'The Development of a New Taxonomy for Graphicacy', D&T - A Platform for Success: The Design and Technology Association Education and International Research Conference 2009, July 2009.

Design & Technology Association Conference

Power Point Presentation: ‘An initial comparison of graphicacy within the curricula of schools in Cyprus, the United States and England’, D&T - A Platform for Success: The Design and Technology Association Education and International Research Conference 2009, July 2009.

Middlesex University

Presentation: ‘Graphicacy and students’ learning: The Development of a New Taxonomy for Graphicacy', Design Advanced Research Training (DART) Conference, June 2009.

Loughborough University

Presentation: ‘The importance of Graphicacy’, Design Education Research Group Seminar, May 2009.