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Learning is an EXPERIENCE comprised by a PROCESS where the leaner is taking ACTIVE PARTICIPATION! Listening to someone talking (teaching) IS NOT LEARNING! it could be a short part of the process - but it is not a requirement for learning! Stop focusing on the teaching and start focusing on the learning! Shift Your Perspective!

Xenia Danos

Visualization helps you create a memory of something that hasn't happened yet! The brain does not recognize a real experience from an imaginary one. The brain reacts to your  FEELINGS and VISIONS (what you see or what you imagine). If you are working on elevating your career/ love life/ finances/ character, sit in silence and start creating new memories.

Xenia Danos

Preparation is the no.1 rule for any professional, no matter how much of an expert she or he might be in her field. However, working hard doesn't have to feel like a punishment or like hard work. You can work hard while connecting with nature, tapping into creativity and exciting new developments! As my yoga teacher closes every session with; may you have: Peace in your thoughts Peace in your words Peace in your heart

Xenia Danos

When you own your awesomeness and are unapologetic about it, then you can feel no threat by other people's awesomeness. Instead, your confidence and enthusiasm spark positively one another, raising you to new levels! Now imagine this being the way your team operates and grows on a daily basis! This is the potential of diversity!

Xenia Danos